National research indicates that approximately 95% of students in Collegiate
Jamie Daniels Foundation grants funds to support community partners that provide programs, resources, and solutions that address the ongoing drug epidemic in our country. The foundation also advocates for legislative change as it relates to drug use and prescribing. Our primary focus is on children, young adults (up to age 24), and their families who are battling Substance Use Disorder through three key initiatives: Prevention, Recovery, and Stigma Reduction.
Jamie’s story motivated us to create a foundation to support efforts to prevent substance abuse, aid those in recovery, and reduce the stigma associated with Substance Use Disorder.
Jamie Daniels Foundation is committed to empowering people with the valuable knowledge and information they need to navigate the Substance Use Disorder and recovery process.
The basis of Jamie Daniels Foundation is to bring awareness of the opioid and substance abuse crisis to reduce the risks of Substance Use Disorder and its after effects. We advocate for change that can improve the path of a child or teen’s life and that of their family’s life. It is our hope that together we can provide the tools and affect change to support prevention, recovery and stigma reduction.
Improving Prevention, Improving Recovery.
Former U.S. Surgeon
General Jerome Adams
The greatest obstacle we face as a society in the prevention and successful treatment of Substance Use Disorder is the stigma associated with substance use. Like heart disease and diabetes, addiction and Substance Use Disorder is a lifelong chronic disease that requires specific interventions and ongoing monitoring.
The stigma of addiction is prevalent across the general public, family members and at all levels of health care, often viewed as a choice or voluntary decision. This perception often leads to those with Substance Use Disorder feeling shame and less likely to reach out for support and treatment.
If more people recognized Substance Use Disorder as a disease and discussed it as we do other lifelong chronic diseases, we would see fewer people developing Substance Use Disorders, more successful recoveries, and far fewer deaths.
Jamie Daniels Foundation is already fueling measurable outcomes to reduce the stigma associated with addiction. We engage with parents, teachers, administrators, legislators, and other community leaders to help them understand the needs, trends, and data that reduce the stigma associated with addiction and Substance Use Disorders.
In addition to our own events, such as the Celebrity Roast, Hot Stove and Comedy Night of Hope, we often partner with community-based organizations in support of stigma reduction efforts.
Last year, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we partnered with a dozen leading non-profit and for-profit organizations to support the No Shame Movement. We encouraged supporters to join the No Shame Movement to reduce stigma by taking the #NOSHAME pledge. Through our collective efforts we were able to reach more than 100,000 across the county, with more than 1000 stepping up and taking the pledge.
By promoting an accurate understanding of Substance Use Disorder, we can reduce the barriers associated with seeking help and create the awareness that makes early intervention possible.
Stay up to date with the latest news and stories impacting the people we serve and work we do.
National research indicates that approximately 95% of students in Collegiate
Activity Updates: Thursday, June 1 Help implement the NO PAIN
Stigmatizing language occurs in our everyday conversations, often going unnoticed.
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Executive Director Update!
Zach Berlin was curious, charismatic, and approached life with an