Update: 5/1/2023
For one student, at a certain point she considered graduating college “about as likely as stepping on the moon.” But here she is today, graduating from the top-ranked University of Michigan – healthy, sober, and excited about her future.
Another student expressed he had never graduated from high school nor did his parents, and that he “never would have made it without the CRP community.”
This sentiment was universal among the ten students at the UofM’s Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) graduation celebration. The event – attended by family, friends, and fellow students – was truly a celebration of relentless determination and a reflection of the powerful value CRP and its Jamie Daniels Foundation partnerships brings to students.
Because of UofM’s CRP, these ten students have received necessary support and created life-long friendships; learned coping mechanisms to deal with life’s challenges without using drugs or alcohol; and have the confidence to achieve their goals and create a better future for all of us.

Original Story: 11/1/2022
Hail to the University of Michigan Collegiate Recovery Program (U-M CRP)! The University of Michigan Collegiate Recovery Program is providing a supportive community where U-M students in recovery can achieve academic success while enjoying the college experience free from drugs and alcohol. And now the Jamie Daniels Foundation is partnering with the University so it can reach more students!
U- M is a prestigious, rigorous, and academically excellent university with a strong community and culture. Unfortunately, some aspects of typical college culture can be especially challenging for students who are at risk for substance use disorders and for those who are in recovery. The U-M CRP exemplifies the University’s care for its Victors inside and outside the classroom.
“National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data indicates that as many as 15,800 of our 50,000 students are at risk for substance use disorder and some of them will end up in recovery.” said Matt Statman, CRP Manager.
“Having a visible and thriving CRP on campus not only supports students who are already in recovery but also normalizes the recovery experience for those students who will need to be, making it more likely that they reach out for help sooner.”
With a nearly $20,000 grant award from the Jamie Daniels Foundation, in partnership with The Children’s Foundation, U-M CRP will continue their mission to provide a community where Wolverines in recovery can achieve academic success while enjoying a genuine college experience, sober and supported. The funding will help them strengthen this continuum for care with an additional staff member to coordinate collegiate recovery efforts at U-M.
“This role would allow a wider variety of services and more individual attention for students early in recovery,” said Statman. “And with this funding, we can increase opportunities for students to connect with other students, participate in sober fun activities, engage in service, debunk stereotypes, and connect with resources.”